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ted to explain."Such things, throughout history, public opinion in society, whether positive or negative, ultimately hurts women the most. So I don't want this to spread and hurt you. Just pretend thi...Chapter Name: 128

Leaving, how do I leave!

Lin Meng curled up in bed, with a tight little face, watching the sun outside slowly sink, thus shaping herself into a statue. She sat there motionless; she had been sitting like that for four hours. Ever since Miao Qing finished talking to her, she had kept that state, completely still!

When it comes to leaving, just thinking about it rips my heart apart. It hurts so much more than the last time she really wanted to leave!

She felt a surge of resentment towards the fickleness of fate. If she was destined to leave, why had she been brought back in the first place! She had vowed to stay by his side, never to leave him again. But just a few days later, she found herself breaking her promise and thinking about leaving once more.

But, how do I leave!

Rong Sanbo meant that if she handled this well, she would be safe and sound; but if she messed it up, she would be in for trouble. What could she do to ensure success

And, will Rong Ling let her go! That man said to her so fiercely: if she dared to run away again, he would break her legs and lock her in the room for the rest of her life. He actually said such cruel words, definitely not just talking casually. He wouldn't let her go, it wasn't that simple.

But she wouldn't leave, it was impossible!

Outside, things are about to erupt. The comments in the newspapers have been ruthless towards her and Rong Ling, tearing them apart completely. While mere criticism wouldn't be so bad, it's clear that there are forces actively trying to bring down Rong Ling now. And if he is truly found guilty of corrupting underage girls, engaging in collusion between officials and businesses, engaging in malicious competition, and involvement with criminal activities, he will undoubtedly end up in jail. When Jiang Chengfeng and Jiang Polang advised her to leave Rong Ling before, they mentioned that this single accusation alone could land him in prison.

How could she be so stupid, so stupid!

At that time, I knew something was wrong, but I still clung to Rong Ling, selfishly wanting him to protect me. In the end, I still couldn't avoid hurting him!

It's all her fault!

Lin Meng angrily tugged at her hair, eventually resigning herself to burying her head between her legs, heavy with despair as if she could never lift it again.

In the evening, Rong Ling returned. It was obvious that he was in a good mood. This man always had a detached expression on weekdays, making people feel distant and awestruck. But if you spent more time with him, you could also discover that when he was in a good mood, his eyebrow tips would slightly raise just a little bit. It was such a subtle change, but she noticed it.

"You're back!" she said with a smile as she emerged from the guest room, running small steps to meet him. She acted as if nothing had happened.

"Well, well, this is Lin Meng, isn't it!"

But suddenly, a strange voice came. It was a little old-fashioned, yet full of vigor and spirit.

Lin Meng looked up and saw a spirited middle-aged man standing slightly behind Rong Ling. He wasn't tall, about 1.7 meters, and his build wasn't muscular either; he seemed rather thin. But there was an inexplicable sense of majesty about him that made people hesitate to underestimate him. On his wrinkled face, a pair of black eyes shone brightly, radiating a sharpness, like an eagle's gaze. It seemed as if he could see through people with a single glance!

Lin Meng stopped short. Thinking to himself, "If this really is Rong Ling's friend, just one look will tell you he's extraordinary."

"Who are you" she asked politely.

That middle-aged man burst into laughter, while Rong Ling explained on the side!

She only then realized that this man named Fang Daquan was here to help her solve the case.

Lin Meng was both excited and moved. Needless to say, this person must have been invited by Rong Ling. She hurriedly asked Fang Daquan to sit down and turned around to make tea for him. Afterwards, she rushed to the kitchen to prepare a fruit platter, then brought it out and sat beside Rong Ling. Looking at Fang Daquan, who was said to be a master detective, his face was full of respect.

"Haha... don't be so serious!" Fang Daquan was amused. At first glance, he fell for Lin Meng. The little girl was clean and pure, and her clear eyes were impossible to deceive. In his entire life, he had met so many people, but he had never seen a girl of this age who was so innocent. It's really not easy!"

"Since I consider myself close friends with Rong Ling, if you don't mind, just call me 'Uncle Fang,' hehe. Let me take advantage of being older and be Rong Ling's uncle for a while!"

It seems Rong Ling has already explained his relationship with Lin Meng to Fang Daquan on the way. Since Rong Ling invited him to investigate, he must be sincere and explain everything clearly so that Fang Daquan can have a clear understanding and feel at ease to handle the case.

"Uncle Fang!" Lin Meng called out sweetly, causing Fang Daquan to burst into another hearty laugh.

After a brief exchange, Fang Daquan wasted no time and immediately began to inquire about the case. He knew Rong Ling must be anxious about this matter, otherwise he wouldn't have sought him out, let alone sent a private jet to pick him up. With his arrival, everything else could be put aside, but handling the case was his top priority.

Róng Lín didn't beat around the bush, she directly signaled to Lin Mèng that he could just say whatever he wanted.

According to Fang Daquan, with his years of experience as a police officer, he concluded: "In this case, the biggest suspect seems to be Li's family."

Rong Ling also agreed. "I've always had people investigate the Li family, but so far I haven't found anything concrete related to the case. However, one thing is certain: Li Qing's husband, Li Zhuo, and Su Xue have a very unusual relationship, it's very likely an affair. Through my contacts, I learned that there were several marks on Su Xue's body resembling bite marks, which must have been left by a man. The man she frequently contacted during that time was that Li Zhuo. Moreover, the salary Li Zhuo paid Su Xue was quite high."

Moreover, Su Xue's father was hospitalized, requiring a considerable amount of money each month. It seemed that relying solely on the nanny fees Su Xue earned was insufficient. There must be another sum of money Li Zhuo gave her secretly. I had someone check Su Xue's bank account and found over 100,000 yuan in deposits, the source of which was unknown. It can still be inferred that it came from Li Zhuo secretly. Li Zhuo is a painter who can sell a painting at any time and, behind Li Qing's back, give the money from the sale to Su Xue.

Thus, it can also be inferred that the relationship between Li Zhuo and Su Xue was exposed, leading to their misfortune. That Li Qing is a woman with a strong desire for control, most intolerant of betrayal and disobedience from others. There have been instances where her employees were dismissed for disobeying her orders.

These are all things that Rong Ling has been looking for these days, and some of the content includes his speculations.

Fang Daquan nodded. "Your analysis is worth considering. Although the Li family may be innocent, Su Xue has the most dealings with them, so it's still easiest to start with their family. Maybe we can even get some unexpected clues!"

Fang Daquan directly excluded Lin Meng because he trusted Rong Ling. He believed anyone Rong Ling vouched for was trustworthy. Second, since entering the house, Fang Daquan had been subtly observing Lin Meng and cleverly designed several verbal traps for him to answer. Through their conversations, he was able to rule out that Lin Meng was innocent.

At only sixteen years old, her experience of staying in school all the time couldn't possibly compare to his as a seasoned police officer!

"Alright, I'll go to the police station and take a look at Su Xue's body, then I'll head to the crime scene!"

"No rush!" Rong Ling smiled faintly, stopping Fang Daquan. "It's late today. It's best not to bother the police station, lest we attract some unnecessary gossip. Besides, you've traveled all this way and must be tired. Rest for a night first, regain your energy, and tomorrow morning I'll accompany you to the police station."

Fang Daquan narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, understanding the complex relationships involved. After all, he was inserting himself into an existing situation, so it was important not to disrespect the J city Public Security Bureau too much.

"Then tomorrow!" Believe, by that time, those people will definitely know he arrived in City J through their network! Let's give Lu Feige and Wu Yong a buffer time tonight!

Then, Miao Qing went to arrange a guest room for Fang Daquan.

Lin Meng watched Fang Daquan follow Miao Qing up the stairs. When the two figures disappeared, she suddenly leaned over and gave Rong Ling's face a hard " smack " on the lips, leaving Rong Ling a little stunned. Looking at Lin Meng's rosy cheeks, he then smiled.

"Touched!" he said playfully.

She didn't answer, instead she twisted her slender waist against his chest and then pouted her small lips to kiss him. Her sweet and tender lips nibbled on Rong Ling's mouth, making him narrow his eyes abruptly.

If this girl were willing, hardly any man could resist her charm!

She began to capture his lips, kissing and licking them with a rare passion that burned like fire. Rong Ling let out a hiss, stretched out his long arms, pulled her into his embrace, and took over the lead, kissing her deeply. ( She was usually shy and would dodge his kisses at first, but today she seemed to be a different person, being extremely enthusiastic and cooperating with his kiss, even trying to burrow into his mouth. While kissing, her small hands also wreaked havoc, reaching around to hug his neck.

He was flustered by her passion, reaching out with a large hand to firmly pinch her unaware little butt that was unconsciously rising slightly. She didn't dodge, instead she closed her eyes and threw herself into kissing his mouth.

His Adam's apple bobbed nervously, his heart fluttering at the woman's passionate advances. He could feel himself getting flustered and knew if he didn't do something soon, she would push him over the edge. He responded by taking her mouth roughly in a deep kiss, following up with a firm slap on her bottom.

She was startled, stunned.

"Behave yourself, we're still having dinner together later!" means that they are giving Fang Daquan a welcome feast.

Lin Meng bit her lip, tilted her head, narrowed her eyes for a moment, and then, like a child who couldn't get candy, she went over and kissed him. This time, though, she went for Rong Ling's neck, gnawing on his sensitive Adam's apple.

Rong Ling looked up for a long time, letting out a hum. Leng Yi's jaw tightened instantly, becoming somewhat unbearable. His big palm reached the back of her head, pressing down, but hesitated—should he encourage her to continue or push her away

She nibbled, bit, and licked his neck all over, her eyes about to dive towards his chest. Rong Ling let out a low growl, his breath becoming erratic, and hastily pulled her away. His eyes, now burning with desire, glared at her fiercely, and he reprimanded her in a cold tone. "You've learned bad things, haven't you"

She pouted and buried her head in his arms. Her heart ached, even this intimacy was becoming a luxury! Rong Ling, what am I supposed to do!

Although he scolded her, seeing her rub her head against him like a coquettish kitten in his arms, he felt a bit pleased inwardly. Once she showed him affection and initiative, he felt a little intoxicated, his whole body buzzing with warmth. He felt like he could do anything for her!

"Just wait till tonight, I'll show you!"

He tousled her hair playfully, half-threatened yet dotingly, his fingers weaving through the strands. He couldn't help but lower his head and kiss the delicate curve of her temple.

As night fell, he naturally followed through on his earlier threat and punished her severely. She cooperated abnormally well; no matter what position he wanted to try, she silently followed him, leaving him astonished and even more enthusiastic. He almost ate her whole. When it came to taking her, he was incredibly reckless and forceful, reveling in the act.

"Good boy, if you're always this well-behaved in the future!"

The man, sated by his beastly lust, held her contentedly, caressing skin as soft as silk, humming lazily.

Her face was flushed, her whole body battered and limp, as if she'd been dismantled. She could barely muster the energy to move her head, just shifting it slightly to rest against his chest. She half-closed her eyes, dazed, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

"Dong... Dong... Dong..."

Once again, powerfully and impressively.

She collapsed onto him, naked and vulnerable, and he was the same. Between them, the warmth of their skin was palpable. In that moment, pressed close together, they were like Siamese twins. Despite her fatigue, she managed a silly, blissful smile.

He reached out and scooped her up, staring at her, his voice a low murmur, "What's so funny!"

She had just been lying on top of him, her upper body pulled up so suddenly that the magnificent view of her chest was alluringly exposed before him. Especially below her collarbone, those two tempting mounds of whiteness were enough to make one's mouth dry. He watched, his dark eyes dimming slightly. The desire that had already subsided surged again with the urge to charge into battle.

She was oblivious, smiling with eyes like crescent moons, shaking her head. Her black eyes were bright and narrow, looking alluringly seductive, like a fox spirit.

"Little goblin!"

He hummed incoherently, letting her go and starting to kiss her. Before she could react, the one that had just re-erected with a vengeance, rushed into her fiercely.

She gasped, instinctively flinching her hips upwards, but his large hand forcefully pressed them down, driving him even deeper.

"Hmm…" she let out a soft, coquettish moan. The moment he heard it, he couldn't help himself again and moved violently for several times. Finding it wasn't enough, he flipped her over, pinning her beneath him. He pressed his large palm against her flat stomach and started moving in relentlessly without any regard for technique. His forceful thrusts and powerful pounding had no frills, they were a raw, direct assault into her body. After just a while, she was gasping for breath and moaning incessantly...

"Rong Ling... ah... Rong Ling... ha... Rong Ling..."

How had she ever called his name with such obedience in matters of passion!

He couldn't bear it, his eyes reddened as he looked, and with a sigh that was half resignation and half indulgence, he murmured, "Just die on me!"

And with that, he thrust in hard!

"Ah!" she shrieked, her voice high-pitched with alarm as her body jerked violently in response to his brutal hold. Deeper he went, violating her further!

Everything is messed up!

What's even more unsettling is her wavering heart!


...This article was first published by Xiao Xiang Academy.

The next day's newspaper reports remained relentlessly negative. All over the country, Rongjia Industries seemed to be experiencing subtle tremors. Such a development was extremely worrisome!

Lin Meng knew she couldn't hold on any longer.

Rong Ling and Fang Daquan went out for a whole day. It was almost 8 pm when they returned, seemingly so busy that they couldn't even spare time to eat. Still, they came back to have dinner with Lin Meng together. At the dinner table, listening to Fang Daquan analyze the information he had obtained, Lin Meng's heart was filled with disappointment.

Even though Fang Daquan is very capable and has solved countless cases, how can we expect him to magically solve the case just by arriving

When Rong Ling was alone with Lin Meng, the latter whispered softly, "Rong Ling, I want to go home!"

Staying with him like this, in such a confused and unclear way, would only drag him down further!

Going home, it was a test, probing his attitude towards her.

Rong Ling paused her typing, her eyes shifting from the computer screen to him. She glanced at him briefly before he looked away, refusing directly: "Let's talk about it after this is over!"

"But I want to go back!" Her attitude was somewhat forceful.

He didn't even look at her and blurted out, "If you think you have nothing to do, go find something to play with yourself. Don't just sit there thinking about useless things!"

She sighed, feeling a pang of regret.

This—is this man's attitude.

And she, had only just suggested going home, she hadn't even said she wanted to break up with him!

Heaving a sigh, she trudged toward the living room. She was afraid to stay here any longer, afraid he would see through her, and even more afraid that she would be swayed by him, her brain short-circuiting with indecision. Tomorrow was the deadline, and if she didn't do something...

Her heart tightened, then a dull ache spread through her.

She always hoped that time would pass a little slower, even slower, but the ticking clock relentlessly allowed time to slip away. She always thought about what else she could do for him, but as she held the bitter coffee and reached the door of the makeshift study, she couldn't take another step.

The study door wasn't deliberately closed, so Rong Ling and the others' conversation fell entirely into her ears. The voices of other men, transmitted from a distant network, carried a unique metallic texture. She hid aside listening, it was roughly those managers and officials hoping Rong Ling would go to them personally, to stabilize the company employees' hearts. Rong Ling coldly sneered there, reprimanding their incompetence, being too alarmist, stating that she wouldn't be moving in the short term, and would remain stationed in City J.

After that, different voices, male and female, came through. They were probably from other departments in the company. She eavesdropped for a while, her nose souring, then quietly left.

The coffee has gotten cold, she needs to brew a fresh cup!

Couldn't she think like this, Rong Ling not leaving is because he can't let her go! Then, she must really be dragging him down!

She went back to him with the coffee, this time carefully knocking on the door. The sound of Rong Ling talking to someone stopped abruptly, followed by a cold "Talk later" and then the communication was cut off. This was clearly done so she wouldn't hear anything.

“Coffee!” she exclaimed, gesturing with her eyes to the cups in her hand. She walked over to him and set the coffee down.

This man prefers this strong, bitter black coffee without any additions. She smelled it and found it too bitter, but he just enjoys it that way!

Strange man!

She watched as he calmly drank his coffee in one gulp. Then, he patted her butt and whispered, "Good girl, go play by yourself!"

As if she were a little pet!

And she knew he had a lot on his plate, and besides, that he needed to keep his distance from her.

She obediently nodded, carrying out an empty cup. He instructed her from behind to close the door on her way, likely due to her sudden appearance that had aroused a flicker of caution in him. With her back turned to him, she gave a desolate smile. As he wished, she closed the door, shutting all sounds beyond it!

But, doesn't this silly man know that she already knows everything she needs to!

Look, it seems he can make mistakes too!

She so desperately hoped that in the little time remaining, she could spend a little more with him. But tonight he was busy, so busy that she sat on the couch in the living room staring at the colorful television screen until after half past midnight. Only then did he come rushing over like he had fire under his butt, immediately scolding her: "It's so late, why aren't you asleep yet!"

Saying that, he didn't say anything more, turned off the TV, and urged her to go to sleep.

He left as soon as she got into bed, like he had rushed over only to make sure she was asleep before leaving!

Once she thought deeply about his actions, her heart would ache more and more!

The busier he got, the heavier her guilt became!

Where else can I possibly sleep!

She didn't know what time it was, but she waited until he got into bed. She pretended to be asleep, but she rolled closer to him under the guise of two careless turns. Unable to speak her feelings, she would let herself enjoy a little more of his warmth in secret!

When I showed up with two black eyes, he took the opportunity to lecture me as if it were a lesson. “See You have to go to bed earlier, or you'll definitely end up with dark circles like these!”

But he seemed completely oblivious to the dark circles under his own eyes! This man, always so self-assured in his care for her, often couldn't even practice what he preached.

She stammered twice, actually wanting to cry very much. Pretending to be sleepy and yawning, she quietly hid her slightly red eyes.

He left, still in a hurry!

She took out her phone, found Xiao Yi's number, and hesitated for a long time before finally closing her eyes and dialing. This was the first time she had used this phone to call Xiao Yi! But it seemed as if Xiao Yi knew who was calling him. Before she could even speak, he answered and laughed.


Her hand trembled, almost unable to hold the phone steady. After forcing herself to calm down, she couldn't help but feel her nose sour and asked in a choked voice, "You... said you wanted me to be your... mistress. Is that still true!"

Xiao Yi, who was lazily leaning on the leather chair, suddenly sat up straight, retracted the faint smile on his face, and said, “Of course!”

"Alright, I promise you. But, you have to agree to a few conditions of mine!"

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, turned his head to look out the window, and asked alertly, "Where are you now!"

Lin Meng reported the address.

“Then let’s talk when we meet!” Xiao Yi said.

Then come find me!

Lin Meng hung up the phone, but her heart was pounding and she felt an emptiness. She broke out in a cold sweat and felt inexplicably panicked, just like the morning of her middle school entrance exam. No matter how she comforted herself, she couldn't shake the inexplicable feeling of hollowness and panic.

Perhaps, what's next is another big test in her life!

Xiao Yi's arrival was silent, unnoticed until he was only two meters away from her. He always seemed to have this ability, treating buildings as nothing, appearing and disappearing like a ghost.

"You..." She choked back a sob, finally letting out a soft sigh. "You came!"

He sat down beside her, said nothing more, and got straight to the point: "What are your terms"

That air of his implied that he would agree to anything she asked.

Seize the day, this man told himself. This woman, he was going to have her today, and once the terms were agreed upon, he'd take her away immediately!

Lin Meng's conditions were actually quite simple. She didn't need money or power, she just needed Xiao Yi to help her, and within six months, he wasn't allowed to touch her.

Help her, it's about getting Xiao Yi to cooperate with her and act out a scene for Rong Ling to see. Also, help handle some of the subsequent events until Rong Ling is safe.

For half a year, I won't let him touch her because her body rejects other men. She wants to delay it for as long as possible!

But this man was more aggressive than she had imagined. "Helping you is no problem at all. But six months is too long, we need to shorten it!"

Couldn't he possibly know that she was guarding Rong Ling's chastity But by following him, she had to forget about Rong Ling! Half a year for her to forget one man was too long; he didn't have that kind of patience!

"For a month, I can go a whole month without touching you!"

"No!" Her face changed slightly, biting her lip tightly and not looking at him. Her small face flushed red then white, looking like she was struggling greatly, and inexplicably making her seem a little pitiful.

He frowned and had to concede. "Two months, that's my bottom line!"

She quietly clenched her fists, averting her head in the face of crushing humiliation and letting out a cold laugh. "Then I'll go find someone else!"

At that moment, she sneered, so cold and sharp, yet there was a kind of desperation in it, a sense of being pushed to the brink, with nothing left to lose, and a fierce determination to go all out!

Xiao Yi let out a low growl. "You dare!"

but was burning with anger!

She hung her head, staring intently at the floor. "If you don't agree, I'll find someone else. I'm sure there are others willing to talk on these terms!"

He glared at her with murderous intent in his eyes, a menacing aura surrounding him!

"Three months, no more bargaining with me, just three months!"

"Six months!" she bit her lip, refusing to let go.

He darkened his face, grimly, his whole countenance overcast. "You're just going to keep clinging onto me like this Think about it," he sneered, "If you can find a man who won't touch you for half a year and is still willing to help you like this, then by all means go for it! I'll just leave you be!"

Lin Meng suddenly turned her head to look at him, her body trembling uncontrollably. She had already endured the humiliation and sold herself. She approached Xiao Yi because she thought this man had always been good to her, helping her time and time again. She was grateful in her heart. Because of his kindness, she felt that negotiating a deal with him should be a good thing. But his answer now was too unbearable for her, making her feel like she was an insignificant woman who could be easily discarded like a commodity!

A single tear, shot out of her eye socket, slid down.

She was startled and hurriedly turned her head, then reached out to cover it. She couldn't, she mustn't cry in front of him!

Xiao Yi frowned deeply, his chest constricted with a tightness. His hand hanging by his side fought against the urge to reach out and pull her into his arms.

"Well, three months it is then…"

She covered her face with her hands, but couldn't stop the sobs that came with her words.

He furrowed his brows deeply, his thin lips pressed together tightly in a grim line. She had agreed, and he felt no elation. Because, it now seemed like a true transaction, and perhaps, even more so, it would push her to guard her heart even closer.

He finally reached out and pulled her into his embrace. She flinched, instinctively and naturally. He roughly pushed her onto the sofa, and before she could react, he ripped her hands away and pressed himself down on top of her. His face was cold, his eyes locked on hers as he spoke slowly and forcefully, word by word.

"Half a year, I can agree to half a year. But you are not allowed to reject my closeness. Also, you are not allowed to hide your emotions. You cry, you laugh, you can't cover them up or hide them, you have to let me see them. Like how you were crying behind me just now, covering your face with your hand, that is absolutely not allowed. If you agree to these conditions, I will give you half a year. If you don't agree, then it's still three months!"

"Six months... I promise you... Six months..."

Her trembling hands instinctively reached up to cover her face, despite the shattered state of her composure. Transparent tears welled up in her eyes and began to trickle down from the corners, sliding along her temples. He pulled her hand away forcefully, lowered his head, and kissed her tear-stained eyes. She tried to evade him, but he wouldn't allow it.

"Since we're putting on a show, let's warm up the audience beforehand!" he said, twisting his brow and letting out a cold snort.

She slammed her eyes shut, and he, only kissed her eyelid.

She wasn't sure if her choice was right or wrong, but for the sake of forbearance, for those family members who, despite their fading familial bonds, still shared blood ties, she had to choose this path. As the old saying goes: once you choose a path, there's no turning back!

But in reality, she thought of Rong Ling and his family, yet -- she didn't think of herself at all!

She emptied herself, like a water lily adrift, floating wherever the current took her. It didn't matter to her anymore!

...Xiangxiang Book Academy first release...

"Come back alone, immediately. I have something important to tell you."

Rong Ling received a call from Lin Meng and returned to find her and Xiao Yi tangled together in bed. The same bed where she and Rong Ling had once been intimate. Although Lin Meng was only half-dressed, Rong Ling's eyes burned red with fury. Without hesitation, he strode forward, ready to punch Xiao Yi. Lin Meng turned sharply, throwing her arms out in front of Rong Ling's path.

Her partially unbuttoned garments revealed most of her chest. She suppressed her shame, pursed her lips, and forced herself to remain composed as she said: "What I want to tell you is actually what you see."

My heart is actually beating really fast!

Rong Ling's response was to shove her away abruptly, almost pinning her to the bed. He didn't hesitate and threw a punch at Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi raised his arm, blocking it with force, letting out a cold laugh as he deliberately taunted him: "You don't have the right to hit me now!"

Rong Ling swung his fist again, but Lin Meng reacted in time, rushing over and hugging Rong Ling's waist.

"Don't do that!"

Rong Ling lowered her head and stared at her with bloodshot eyes, breathing heavily as if she wanted to kill her.

And he did so, reaching out and grabbing her neck in his hand, growling low, "Who allowed you to do this! Huh! Who allowed it!"

He said nothing as he pushed her back onto the bed, his hand around her neck never loosening. Lin Meng instantly felt her face flush red from being choked, she hadn't expected Rong Ling to be so frenzied and violent!

On one side, Xiao Yi was shocked and exclaimed urgently, "Are you crazy!"

He came up and pulled Lu Ling, then out of nowhere, a heavy punch landed on his chest from Lu Ling. Xiao Yi didn't mind, nor did he have time to mind it. He reached out and grabbed Lu Ling's arm tightly, gripping it with all his might, gritting his teeth and growling low.

"Let go of her! She can't breathe!"

Rong Ling remained unmoved, only glaring fiercely at Lin Meng. He glared at her pale face, at the mark of another's kiss on her neck, at her half-revealed white and tender chest.

"Do you want to kill her! You bastard!" Xiao Yi was furious, and suddenly punched Rong Ling's abdomen.

"Ugh!" Lin Meng instinctively shouted in alarm, unable to bear seeing Rong Ling being beaten!

Rong Ling took a punch right on the face, but seemed to feel nothing. He stared at Lin Meng with a sinister look and said, "It's better if you were dead!"

He said it like that, yet let her go. He even pulled at her half-exposed clothes viciously, mockingly curling the corners of his lips. "That's all the meat you have And you don't even cover up properly You're simply hideous!"

Upon hearing this, the color drained from her face. Her hands frantically reached for her clothes, but she still couldn't stop trembling. Xiao Yi saw this and frowned, reaching out directly to help her pull her clothes up.

Turning his head, he glared at Rong Ling coldly and said, "From now on, you stay out of her affairs. I'm making this perfectly clear to you: I've taken charge of this woman!"

"Oh, what's the reason!" Rong Ling looked down at Lin Meng from a superior position, arms crossed, and stared intently at Lin Meng, ignoring Xiao Yi completely.

Lin Meng bit her lip, got up from the bed, and intentionally leaned closer to Xiao Yi's side. She forced herself to calm down and said with a smile: "I've seen all these days' newspapers, I know you're running out of time. Rong Ling, I don't want to go to jail, nor do I want to be shot for no reason. I think you probably can't protect me anymore, so I can only save myself and find someone who can protect me. I'm sorry for leaving you at such a bad time, but everyone has the instinct to survive, you must understand that!"

"Just because!" he sneered, a wide, almost predatory smile spreading across his face. He had never smiled like that before.

She looked, her heart stinging with pain, but she still had to smile. “Then I’ll be honest. The reason I ran away before was because I couldn’t stand you anymore. I was tired of your self-righteousness, your suspicions towards me, your indecisiveness, your arrogance, and your mockery. So, I ran away. When I was brought back, I was suspected of killing Su Xue. I had no choice but to temporarily rely on you, hoping to use your power to escape this predicament. But as you can see, you’re nearing the end. The newspapers say that your position as head of the family is about to be lost, and you’re likely going to jail. You’ve been helping me, and I’m grateful. However, I need a guarantee of innocence, and Xiao Yi can give me that. In fact, once Su Xue’s case is settled, I will still leave you. So, let me go!”

"Anything else!" he sneered, baring his teeth.

She pressed her already pale lips together tightly, glaring at him coldly.

He laughed, a sound that echoed through the air, "ha ha ha" he chuckled for a full minute. Then, as if timed to perfection, the moment the minute ended, his smile vanished abruptly. His face, sharp as a knife, turned cold instantly, like a layer of ice had settled upon it.

He looked at Lin Meng, as if he had never known her before. His eyes returned to that familiar air of superiority.

"Then get out of here, you'll pay for your stupidity!"

That condescending tone, as if she were trash that was beneath notice!

She clenched her teeth tightly, barely able to contain the pain that shot through her heart when she heard those words.

Xiao Yi extended his hand and abruptly placed it across her shoulder, gently gripping her small shoulder before wordlessly leading her away. As separation neared, she could only force herself not to turn back and look at Rong Ling one last time.

Rong Ling watched the two people walk away, their intimacy evident. A bitter taste filled his mouth. He sneered, "You didn't need to go through all this trouble. I would have let you go anyway. I thought about how hard you've been serving me these past days, so I wanted to help you understand Su Xue's case before letting you go. To be honest, I was already tired of you. You should know that. Women like you, besides this mediocre body, have nothing worthwhile. It gets tiresome after a while. Now this way, I save the money on sending you away. Just get out of here and save me the breakup fee!"

Lin Meng froze, for a moment, she couldn't tell if he was being truthful or not! What appeared before her eyes were his cold and hot attitude before she ran away, and the look of disgust and contempt in his eyes directed at her!

My head started pounding; my heart clenched tightly, and I felt like I couldn't breathe!

Who is really acting here!

She couldn't help but turn her body, wanting to open her eyes and see him clearly. But her shoulders were held firmly in place by Xiao Yi's seemingly effortless grip.

She suddenly stiffened, only then realizing what she was about to do!

So, gritting her teeth until they bled, she didn't even look back. Just like that, held by Xiao Yi's arms, she walked away!

Inside the villa, Rong Ling, who had just been as cold and ruthless as a killing god, saw Lin Meng really walk away without looking back. His face suddenly twisted into a mask of fury, madness flashing in his eyes, and a wild glint of violence! Staring at the messy bed, he rushed over and kicked Shi Mengsi away with one kick. The white sheets, like mournful couplets, fell languidly. He glared heavily, his breath ragged. He reached out and tore the sheets to shreds again and again. In just a short while, everything visible on the bed was torn into pieces by him, even the wooden bed frame was kicked and smashed to pieces.

But, these things in front of me can be destroyed, then what about the others!

That damn woman, just patted her butt and walked away irresponsibly. Can that be forgiven!

No, absolutely not!

A flash of madness, a killing intent burned in his eyes. At that moment, he wanted to kill her, to torture her!

Look at what he's done, for this one woman. He's under so much pressure, stuck here like an idiot, and running around for her, asking for this and that!

He had thought about letting her go after Su Xue's case ended. But he only wanted to cool things down for a few months, waiting until he sorted out his own problems and could find ways to be with her discreetly. But she was crueler than he expected. Before he even stepped down, she eagerly sought another man.

Isn't that what he deserves To be taken down a peg

Can't you just see him this way!

This is such a cowardly woman! This despicable, shameless woman!

He took care of her, but she didn't know how to be grateful and kept saying she was fed up!

Does he abuse her sexually like those fat, disgusting perverts who wield strange objects Does he insult her while taking pleasure in her degrading pleas Has he made her serve him like a maid

For **'s sake, he practically worshipped her and she still has the audacity to say she's had enough!

"Damn you! Damn you!"

He cursed furiously!

Suddenly lifting his foot, he kicked the bedpost hard. The bed, already swaying precariously from its torment, finally collapsed with a deafening crash!

He stared at everything, a few harsh gasps escaping his lips. He suddenly reached out and rubbed his face roughly, then fell silent. When he pulled his hand away, his handsome features were immediately replaced by an icy coldness. Even the smile that was pulled onto his face was chillingly cold.

He's seen through it!

No matter what kind of woman, coming and going, it's all the same!

Got it!

Then what are you still doing here

Taking out his phone, he dialed a number. His voice was cold, devoid of any warmth, almost as if it were below freezing.

"Hey, Miao Qing, convene a press conference for me immediately. In one hour, I have something to say to the reporters. Also, get the car ready. After the press conference, I'll head back to Beijing right away. And tell the people in Kyoto to have the plane ready and on standby!"

Over there, Miao Qing was slightly taken aback, but she respectfully answered each question with "yes." After the call ended, she roughly knew that the inevitable had arrived. She couldn't help but let out a low sigh.

On the other side, Lin Meng just sat in Xiao Yi's car and immediately broke down, tears streaming like summer rain, lashing against her small face.

Xiao Yi drove silently, understanding that some feelings need to be released before they can be let go. At this time, besides herself, any comfort from others was useless.

Then, the scene became familiar!

It was on this overcast day, just as it had been the first time she was driven away by Rong Ling. He was driving, and she cried silently in the back seat. Even though her tears streamed down her face, not a sound escaped her lips.

This grief was so profound, he could only cry, unable even to utter a sound. He watched with heartache, but also jealousy, jealousy that bordered on madness. This woman, who could shed tears for Rong Ling time and again, when would she ever weep for him in the same way, like a sudden downpour Though he felt pain at her tears, he also longed for a woman who could genuinely and sorrowfully shed a tear for him.

The woman sitting beside him now was the one he desired, but could his hopes be fulfilled on her She had clearly given her heart to Rong Ling, and could he win it back Though young, only sixteen years old, he could feel her determination and stubbornness. In reality, she was far from as fragile as she appeared; in fact, when she was set in her ways, even the most powerful men, like Rong Ling and himself, found themselves at a loss.

The car drove on, almost as if possessed, once again leading him to the riverbank where they had been that day. There was no rain today, but the car was still damp, thick with the lingering scent of her tears!

He squinted, sizing up the overcast sky outside. His mood was as heavy as if it were shrouded in dark clouds. Getting her wasn't as exhilarating as he had imagined, only because this way wasn't how he liked it. But, a man like him had seen and experienced everything, he wouldn't be foolish enough to seek out a pure, unblemished love. Taking by force, sometimes, was a necessary tool. To him, it was as commonplace as breathing.

Thus, he reached out and pulled her into his embrace with force. She stood there, dazed, her eyes half-closed, tears streaming down her face, as if the world had already drifted far away from her, as if two of her three souls were lost within her body, allowing him to hold her without any resistance whatsoever.

He reached out and roughly wiped away her tears, wiping them with heavy strokes. For every tear she shed, he wiped away that many!

"Lin Meng, you have to remember this: You are not his person anymore. So, besides this once, never cry for him again. Otherwise, I will be very unhappy. Once I am unhappy, then anything is possible, and you can forget about Rong Ling being safe!"

She seemed to have been stimulated back to life, with a touch of vitality.

You promised me!

She glared at him with eyes swollen from crying, furious at his hypocrisy.

He wiped away her tears again, all by himself. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll do what I said I would. But you mustn't cry for him anymore.”

She lowered her eyes, unable to answer.

Because she couldn't control her heart, nor her tears.

She wanted to agree, so she cried. This was something she couldn't even control herself, how could she possibly agree to him!

"You promised, I believe you, this is what you promised."

Gritting her teeth, she uttered those words, both for him and for herself. She had thrown caution to the wind and trusted this man once, pouring her heart out with complete faith. If it was a failure, she would consider it blindness, having misjudged a person!

After she finished speaking, she wiped her face hard with her hand several times to dry the tears.

Tears can be used to mourn, but they cannot be used in battle because they are too fragile. What she needs is to pull herself together and fight hard. She doesn't want to delve into what Rong Ling's last words meant, whether he was tired of her or had made up his mind to let her go, all that didn't matter to her. All she remembered was the man's affection, and she would do her best to repay it!

She looked up, pushed Xiao Yi away, and said in a choked voice: "Go back!"

What she needed was to settle down and get a good night's sleep, so she could recharge. There was still so much to do!

Xiao Yi leaned in and gently kissed her on the face.

"I like you like this!"

He said that.

But she also couldn't feign a smile of delight!

This man said, let her not hide her emotions, cry if she wants to, laugh if she wants to!

Then, she wasn't willing to pretend anymore!

She followed a man, putting herself so low, but she was almost completely defeated!

Now she's with another man. She has no ulterior motives, so what's there to care about! Even if she's with him, she's still her, the Lin Meng!

Having arrived at her new home, a small two-story villa, it wasn't large but appeared simple and elegant. She glanced at it briefly, with no intention of paying much attention. Meanwhile, Rong Ling's message came through immediately.

"Have a look!"

Xiao Yi showed Lin Meng a video and then handed her a page of text, which was Rong Ling's interview transcript.

That man, still arrogant and noble, faced the specially summoned news media, merely bestowing upon them a few words in a cold and indifferent manner.

"Before, Lin Meng and I were friends. From now on, this person and I have no relationship whatsoever! Whatever she does in the future has nothing to do with me, and please don't ask me any questions about her anymore!"

He left after speaking, turning and walking away with such decisiveness. That cold yet arrogant figure was almost enough to drive the flashbulbs crazy!

After that, he left by car. According to sources, he was returning to City B and it seemed unlikely he would be back anytime soon. After returning to City B, he would probably go around inspecting the various industries there, likely so busy he wouldn't have a moment to spare!

He's cold, cool, and ruthless!

He was as quick and decisive as his uncle, Rong Jia's third son!

This was exactly what she wanted, yet he called a press conference with such lightning speed and abruptly declared that they had no relationship whatsoever. Despite this, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken!

This man is truly capable of both taking and letting go!

Maybe he was right, after all. He had decided from the start to leave her behind!

She smiled bitterly, but couldn't shed a tear. She threw herself onto the unfamiliar bed, completely emptying her mind, and plunged into sleep. Someone famous once said: Sleep is actually equivalent to committing suicide slowly, or perhaps entering death. Once you enter dreamland, all your worries and troubles disappear. Sleeping quietly is actually not much different from death, except that one is still breathing, and the other has stopped.

forced himself to sleep.

In her sleep, she felt a gnawing hunger, her stomach churning with discomfort. Yet, she was unwilling to rise, preferring the torment of hunger to escaping this haven of momentary peace. Let her sleep a little longer; her heart was too heavy. Waking would feel like suffocation, so let her sleep just a while longer!

When I woke up, opened my eyes, it was a new day again. It felt like some of the overwhelming sadness had died with yesterday. I ate breakfast quietly, asked Xiao Yi for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, then headed to the battlefield!d out the Silver Wolf Gang, Xiao Yi's death... was in the newspaper, but he is now... back again. That definitely means that your initial crackdown on crime... had a flaw. I think, Uncle, you should.....

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